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Machine Learning Operations Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment

December 2022 | us48325822
Written by: Kathy Lange, Raghunandhan Kuppuswamy, David Schubmehl
Product Type:
IDC: MarketScape
This Excerpt Features: IBM

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Machine Learning Operations Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment

Capabilities Strategies Participants Contenders Major Players Leaders


IBMFeatured Vendor




Major Players






Domino Data Lab





IDC MarketScape Methodology

IDC Opinion


Enterprise organizations across industries are increasingly adopting artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) technologies to improve operational efficiencies, increase innovation, and improve user experience. According to IDC’s Worldwide Semiannual Artificial Intelligence Tracker (1H22), the worldwide AI market, including software, hardware, and services, is forecast to grow 19.6% YoY in 2022 to $432.8 billion and is expected to break the $500 billion mark in 2023.

While the global adoption of AI/ML technologies is increasing, it is not without challenges. As more ML models are being moved to production, the end users often face challenges including cost, lack of automation, lack of expertise, and scale. These challenges impede an organization’s ability to leverage ML capabilities to the fullest.

Challenges Implementing AI Solutions

In a recent IDC study (IDC’s AI Strategies BuyerView Global Survey, CY21), respondents cited lack of automation, cost, and lack of expertise as top challenges during AI implementations.

Lack of Automation

While enterprises are leveraging AI capabilities to gain a competitive advantage by bringing innovations to market faster, they often are unable to accelerate as much as they would like to. Challenges such as excessive cost of model build and training, difficulties in moving models from experimentation to production, and complexity of managing multiple tools/platforms across stages of the ML pipeline impede AI acceleration. In the aforementioned IDC study, more than 55% of the respondents cited cost and lack of automation as their top challenges during AI implementations, slowing down their ability to bring out new capabilities faster.


About 55% of the respondents cited cost as one of the top challenges with AI implementations. A successful AI/ML implementation requires investments in acquiring the right expertise and infrastructure, data acquisition and management, and processes.

Lack of Expertise

Implementing AI capabilities requires expertise across various domains and technologies such as data engineering, data science, agile model development, and IT operations. Data engineering expertise is needed to prepare and manage data for building and training models. Data science expertise is required to build models, select the right learning algorithms to use, and fine-tune models to achieve necessary levels of accuracy. Since model training and model inferencing usually require accelerated hardware, allocating the right computational resources for these tasks during both experimentation and production stages requires infrastructure operational expertise. Enterprise organizations may not have sufficient in-house expertise in these areas — so much that our IDC survey respondents cited lack of expertise as one of their top challenges with AI implementation.

What Is MLOps?

Machine learning operations (MLOps) technologies and processes help enterprise organizations overcome the aforementioned challenges. IDC’s software taxonomy defines machine learning operations tools and technology as those that support model deployment, model management, and model monitoring. The key capabilities of an MLOps platform include and are not limited to those discussed in the sections that follow.

Model Serving

Model serving refers to the ability to serve model prediction capabilities through an endpoint/API. It is critical that the endpoints are secured (via HTTPS protocol) and can load balance the traffic.

Model Registry

The model registry offers a centralized store for machine learning models, a set of APIs, and user interface (UI) to collaboratively manage the full life cycle of the model. It enables tracking model lineage, model versioning, stage transitions, and annotations.

Model Tracking

Model tracking enables checking and tracking metrics such as model accuracy, precision, or a confusion matrix. It is usually part of the model validation phase and often involves logging parameters, code versions, metrics, and artifacts while executing model prediction and visualization.

Model Monitoring

Model monitoring involves checking models running in production for accuracy and detecting any performance drifts with production data. Model monitoring is not complete without the ability to notify of such drifts — so that appropriate action/troubleshooting can be triggered. Based on the issue, the model could be rebuilt and retrained, or the training data set may be modified. The most used notification mechanisms include SMS, email, and notifications on third-party communication tools such as Slack, ChatOps, or event triggers.

ML Pipeline and MLOps

Informally, MLOps captures and expands on operational practices for software development to manage the unique challenges of machine learning and enables the practice of collaboration and communication between data scientists, data architects, business analysts, and operations professionals. As shown in Figure 2, it spans the entire ML life cycle, from experimentation to production, and is powered by newer sets of tools, libraries, and frameworks and aims to keep costs in check, simplifies management, and accelerates time to value.

A machine learning model goes through various stages across the machine learning pipeline, including data ingestion, data preparation, model exploration, model build/train, model scoring, application integration/model deployment, and monitoring. As these stages employ different personas, tools, and processes that most often operate in separate silos, they slow down the model velocity, with end users often finding it difficult to move models to production faster. Machine learning use cases also often involve multiple models, and enterprises tend to enable multiple use cases simultaneously.

MLOps stitches together different stages of the ML pipeline through automation. MLOps not only enables collaboration between data scientists and IT operators but also enables stronger collaboration between data scientists themselves for better model reuse. With MLOps tools and processes, IT operators can deploy, monitor, and troubleshoot models in production and trigger feedback loops back to the data scientists. Through automation and collaboration, MLOps also enables continuous delivery of machine learning models, thereby accelerating the pace of innovation.

Figure 2: ML Pipeline and MLOps

Note: For more information, see Architecting Scalable Machine Learning Pipelines for AI-Enabled Enterprise Transformations (IDC #US47992721, July 2021).

Source: IDC, 2021

IDC studies show that it takes about 290 days on average to fully deploy a model into production from start to finish. IDC also observes that as more models are getting deployed into production, end users are facing challenges with model performance, model drift, and bias. Such challenges and long development times slow down time to market, thereby impacting the organization’s ability to bring out product innovations faster to the market.

Model velocity (MV) commonly refers to the time taken from the start to finish in the ML pipeline, from experimentation to production. Model velocity directly impacts an organization’s ability to roll out new product features — the slower the model velocity is, the longer it takes to bring out the capability to market.

MLOps platforms can enable setting up scalable ML pipelines to manage, track, and monitor multiple models simultaneously. MLOps platforms can also help identify the issue and trigger workflows to model rebuild, retrain, or change data sets in case of model drift. Through these capabilities, end-to-end automation, and stronger collaboration between different personas, MLOps platforms can help accelerate model velocity.

The purpose of this document is to identify and evaluate vendors that offer MLOps platforms.

Tech Buyer Advice

Treat Models as Source Code

As with agile software development processes, IDC recommends treating machine learning models as source code to enable improved collaboration among data scientists and application developers, increased model reuse, and better tracking of model lineage. IDC studies show that end users typically leverage multiple models for a use case, and ML enables multiple use cases simultaneously. Treating models as source code enables users to efficiently build, share, and reuse models, thereby speeding up model development time. Model lineage also helps pinpoint the erring model to fix during troubleshooting.

Plan for Scale

IDC studies show that when end users find success with early AI/ML implementations, they tend to increase their investments in AI/ML initiatives for more use cases. As with data gravity, model gravity also increases the likelihood of employing more machine learning models in an enterprise organization. Enabling multiple use cases, with each potentially employing multiple models, increases the complexity of managing models significantly. IDC recommends planning for such a scale where machine learning pipelines move multiple models from experimentation to production simultaneously.

Choose the Right Vendor for Your Needs

This IDC MarketScape highlights many vendors, all of which are successful at various aspects of machine learning operations. Organizations should work to identify their needs for building, deploying, monitoring, and governing their machine learning models on a holistic basis. During the IDC MarketScape evaluation, it became clear that many organizations are currently building and deploying machine learning models in several different departments, ranging from IT and data science groups to manufacturing, production, marketing, and research and development to just name a few. The needs of these various groups differ substantially and MLOps is still relatively nascent in terms of best practices and formalized groups within organizations. Make sure that your organization understands its machine learning life cycle and uses tools and products that will benefit that life cycle.

Featured Vendor

This section briefly explains IDC’s key observations resulting in a vendor’s position in the IDC MarketScape. While every vendor is evaluated against each of the criteria outlined in the Appendix, the description here provides a summary of each vendor’s strengths and challenges.


IBM is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide machine learning operations platforms.

IBM is an enterprise hardware and software vendor with substantial investment in machine learning and AI. IBM’s core machine learning portfolio, Watson Studio, includes machine learning operations capabilities and other services. Watson Studio can be purchased individually or as part of IBM Cloud Pak for Data, which provides additional infrastructure and governance capabilities. 

Watson Studio supports the entire machine learning life cycle, including data ingestion, model development, registration, deployment, validation, monitoring, drift detection, and alerting. Models can be deployed in batch or real-time inferencing applications and integrated with decision rules and optimization models. The platform provides an integrated workflow, linking the many AI life-cycle personas, including business owners, data scientists, ML engineers, model validators, and decision scientists required to put models in production. It also provides integration with CI/CD tools, including Git repositories.

IBM’s MLOps offer responsible AI tools for assessing fairness, explainability, and robustness, with a built-in bias mitigation algorithm and over a dozen other algorithms developed by IBM Research. When packaged with IBM Cloud Pak for Data, customers also have access to a robust set of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) capabilities, with integrated issue management and formal and ad hoc risk assessment to support trustworthy AI. 

Quick facts about IBM include:

  • Year founded: 1911
  • Headquarters: IBM is headquartered in Armonk, New York, the United States, and is publicly held.
  • Total number of employees: 282,000+
  • Deployment options: IBM Watson Studio can be deployed on premises and via public, private, or hybrid cloud.
  • Pricing model: IBM offers consumption-based pricing for computational resources, including notebook sessions, scheduled jobs, visual flows, and CPU/GPU batch training.
  • Related products/services: IBM offers professional services, ML research, prototypes, strategy services, and training. The company provides Total Economic Impact assessments, AI Health Checks, AI business case development services, and a cloud pricing estimator.


  • Responsible AI tools: IBM has one of the largest portfolios of tools for assessing fairness, explainability, and robustness, mitigating risk, addressing security, and ensuring governance. While organizations struggle to adopt responsible AI, IBM continues to make it easier to access and incorporate through proprietary and open source channels.
  • Open environment: IBM’s machine learning life-cycle offering provides the same user experience, whether installed on premises or in any cloud. It provides integration with over 70 IBM and third-party data sources and popular open source machine learning libraries. Watson Studio provides interfaces for programmers and nonprogrammers and promotes collaboration among these different users.


  • Complicated portfolio of ML life-cycle tools: While IBM markets Watson Studio as a single product, it is still a set of capabilities from multiple product offerings loosely packaged together. The portfolio seems to be coalescing more over time, but there continues to be various interfaces and nonintegrated capabilities that cover the machine learning life cycle.
  • Ease of use: While IBM’s MLOps capabilities are extensive, users find it challenging to implement processes for continuous integration and deployment. IBM accelerators for Watson Studio attempt to address the talent gap by providing sample data, notebooks, and scripts to kick-start projects; however, the available accelerators target model development rather than MLOps. Additional efforts to accelerate MLOps processes will encourage customer adoption.

Consider IBM When

Consider IBM for machine learning operations if you are an existing IBM Cloud Pak for Data customer or an enterprise planning to scale machine learning capabilities across complex, heterogeneous hybrid and multicloud environments. IBM’s focus on reliability and enterprise readiness makes Watson Studio appealing to many customers that want to deploy large-scale machine learning applications.

Find out more about IBM Watson Studio


IDC MarketScape Vendor Inclusion Criteria

The inclusion criteria are as follows:

  • The offering must be commercially available for use as a single product or a suite of services and for purchase by customers for at least one year (i.e., calendar year 2021).
  • The offering must have the ability to deploy models, monitor model performance, detect model drift, enable building continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines of models, enable lineage tracking, enable model governance, and provide feedback loop into the ML pipeline. These capabilities can be available through APIs, UI, or both.
  • The offering should include the following capabilities:
    • Model registry
    • Model tracking
    • Model deployment in on-premises, cloud, or edge locations
    • Monitor model performance
    • Model serving as endpoints
    • Detect and notify model drift
  • The offering must have at least 10 commercial customers that used this product in calendar year 2021.
  • The offering must be offered and available on a worldwide basis.
  • The offering must have at least $10 million in software/services revenue in calendar year 2021.

Reading an IDC MarketScape Graph

For the purposes of this analysis, IDC divided potential key measures for success into two primary categories: capabilities and strategies.

Positioning on the y-axis reflects the vendor’s current capabilities and menu of services and how well aligned the vendor is to customer needs. The capabilities category focuses on the capabilities of the company and product today, here and now. Under this category, IDC analysts will look at how well a vendor is building/delivering capabilities that enable it to execute its chosen strategy in the market.

Positioning on the x-axis, or strategies axis, indicates how well the vendor’s future strategy aligns with what customers will require in three to five years. The strategies category focuses on high-level decisions and underlying assumptions about offerings, customer segments, and business and go-to-market plans for the next three to five years.

The size of the individual vendor markers in the IDC MarketScape represents the market share of each individual vendor within the specific market segment being assessed.

IDC MarketScape Methodology

IDC MarketScape criteria selection, weightings, and vendor scores represent well-researched IDC judgment about the market and specific vendors. IDC analysts tailor the range of standard characteristics by which vendors are measured through structured discussions, surveys, and interviews with market leaders, participants, and end users. Market weightings are based on user interviews, buyer surveys, and the input of IDC experts in each market. IDC analysts base individual vendor scores, and ultimately vendor positions on the IDC MarketScape, on detailed surveys and interviews with the vendors, publicly available information, and end-user experiences in an effort to provide an accurate and consistent assessment of each vendor’s characteristics, behavior, and capability.

Market Definition

Machine learning operations (MLOps) tools and technology support model deployment, model management, and model monitoring. These capabilities include but are not limited to model deployment across different locations, serving models as endpoints, tracking model lineage, setting model performance metrics, monitoring model performance, troubleshooting model drift, enabling model governance, and providing feedback loop into different stages of ML pipeline. They support one or more data ingestion/preparation platforms, model build/train/inferencing platforms, and notification

Related Research

  • Market Analysis Perspective: Worldwide AI Life-Cycle Software, 2022 (IDC #US48545822, August 2022)
  • Worldwide AI Life-Cycle Software Forecast, 2022–2026 (IDC #US49433022, July 2022)
  • IDC Market Glance: AI and ML Life-Cycle Software, 4Q21 (IDC #US48447821, December 2021)
  • AI StrategiesView 2021 Standard: Banner Tables (IDC #US47635721, April 2021)
  • Enterprise AI: An Architectural Shift Emerges (IDC #US47602221, April 2021)
  • MLOps: Your Business’ New Competitive Advantage (IDC #US46643620, July 2020)

IDC MarketScape Worldwide Machine Learning Operations Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment